Saturday, December 15, 2012

Nica Jo's Arm

Nica Jo is my little princess!! I love having a girl!! But she hurt her arm:( it makes me so sad to see her in a cast! She does look pretty cute though! And mommy picked the hot pink!!
I got mon of the year that day!! I had her in the bumbo with the tray attached and she was eating some lunch I turned my back and she fell off the table.. Still in the bumbo! She pulled the chair with her and hurt her arm! We love this little girl! She has to wear her cast for 6 weeks! So the 2nd week of January is when she gets it off! She is such a trooper and the cast is now black because she hasn't slowed down one bit!


  1. That girl is so cute! I need to meet her!

  2. Poor Danica Jo! :-( she does look soooo cute with that pink cast on though!
